Delivering Learner-Centric Training in the Era of Hybrid Work

Learner-centric, personalized learning is a key way to deliver training to hybrid employees in order to ensure that their learning never stops, regardless of their time zones or geographical locations.

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eBook Abstract:
With hybrid work becoming a norm in recent times, L&D has had to modify learning to suit this kind of a workforce. Learner-centric, personalized learning has become one of the key ways to deliver training to employees in order to ensure that learning never stops, regardless of their time zones or geographical locations. Personalizing learning brings the focus on the learner, crafting engaging learning that is relevant to the learner as per his/her needs, wants, skills and role. Given that a one-size fits all learning no longer works, it is imperative that organizations have a proper understanding of who their learners are, how they prefer to learn and what kind of needs and requirements they have.
You Will Learn:
  • The What and Why of learner-centric training
  • Why understanding your learners is the first step to personalized learning
  • Aligning learning to employees’ wants, needs and career paths
  • Challenges in creating learning specific to learners
  • Strategies to successfully create learner-centric learning