2017 Throwback

UpsideLMS Throwback

The last 12 months have been both exciting and challenging for us at UpsideLMS. It has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. And like all rollercoaster rides, it has been immense fun! It has also been very satisfying to watch UpsideLMS grow as a brand backed by its Development, Implementation, Sales, and Marketing.

And grown we have. In our client, partner and revenue numbers. In our brand recall, recognition and loyalty. In our social presence, and thinking.

Every single person on the UpsideLMS team has worked hard, smart, and diligently to a common goal. To make the dream called 'UpsideLMS' come true. And to make the brand award-, recognition-, and praise-worthy.

And it doesn't stop here.

Beyond our in-house team, our extended UpsideLMS family of partners and well-wishers has walked hand-in-hand, step-by-step with us through this journey.

Below is a video that captures the key milestones of 2017; the ones that made it the year that was.

Cheers to a great year gone by, and the one we have started!