5 Features to Look for in a Compliance Training LMS


Irrespective of the industry yourorganization is in, regulatory and legal compliance is crucial to protect yourbusiness and your employees. Hence, it is important that your employees arewell equipped with the required knowledge. Often among employees, compliancetraining is considered to be boring. However, by making compliance trainingengaging in an ongoing process, you can train your employees to become morewell-informed which in turn can protect your organization from detrimentalimpacts. Workplace laws are constantly evolving. To stay on the right side ofthe law, it is important that your employees stay up to date with the ongoingtraining. A compliant workforce results in amassing a good reputation for yourorganization. A well-respected reputation will lead to attracting new clients,maintain old business thus increasing sales and profit. In this article, wewill explore the top 5 must-have LMS features to make your compliance traininga complete success.

User-Friendly Learning Experience
With remote work setting in as the new normal and the lack of in-person collaboration, having an LMS with excellent User Experience (UX) is crucial to increase the learner experience. It is obvious that your LMS should be intuitive and easy-to-use both for the compliance managers as well as the employees. Compliance managers or admins need a simple and engaging system so that they can easily create and assign content, manage users, and the communication with them, and seamlessly generate reports. Whereas, employees would want an intuitive and personalized User Interface (UI) to easily access learning material. 

Mobile access
When it comes to remote working, flexibility in training is of paramount importance given the work-life balance that the employee needs to maintain or the field work. When conducting a virtual training session, it is crucial that your employees get anywhere-anytime access to the content. With a mobile-friendly LMS, you can enable your employees to access compliance training on-the-go from anywhere, anytime, and from any device. With offline mobile learning capability in your LMS, you can help employees with low or next to no internet connectivity to take the training as per their convenience. Having an LMS that’s easily accessible on mobile can result not only in increased completion rated but also higher learner engagement levels. 

Intuitive Content Builder
As compliance regulations and laws keep evolving year on year, your compliance training team will need to constantly update or create abundant compliance training content. Along with covering numerous compliance topics, it should also be taken into consideration that different types of content serve different purposes depending on diverse learning preferences. While content types like edumercials, teaser videos can be created easily, other forms of complicated content such as branching scenarios, simulations may require more effort. Therefore, it is important to look for a content builder capability while evaluating the features of an LMS. This will enable training managers to create and update learning material in a hassle-free manner when there are considerable changes to the regulations.

Intelligent Reporting
Compliance managers have to generate timely reports to provide transparency with regards to compliance, be it maintaining industry standards, certifications, or meeting government regulations. A LMS with Business Intelligence and reporting capability can enable the access of data in just one click. With an effective LMS, you can not only identify the progress of learners completing the training but also spot non-compliance within the organization. The LMS can also help with actionable insights such as with which questions or modules are learners facing challenges to acclimate the content and course correction needed to rectify it, for example arranging for one-on-one training sessions for particular pain areas with an instructor. With an LMS that offers minute details, you can be equipped with valuable insights to improve the compliance training further.

Off-The-Shelf Content
Key compliance training covering topics such as anti-discrimination or sexual harassment laws are regulated by establishments outside of your organizations. These set rules apply to all the companies across all industries. An LMS that is accompanied with off-the shelf courses can ensure compliance with universal standards. You can be rest assured that the content is accurate and up-to-date. Ready-made courses result in saving a lot of your money and hours of work to constantly create and update content.

In Conclusion
The business legal landscape is evolving constantly. Adhering to laws and regulations can prevent legal complications and provide a safe working environment for your employees. This adds a lot of expectations from the employee compliance training. You need to choose an LMS that can help you create and deliver effective compliance training content without boring your employees.

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