5 Sectors That Benefited Most from the Learning Management System


It’s no secret that organizations across the globe have made learning management systems a staple in the training experience of their members. While each individual has his or her own way of learning, the incorporation of a good learning management system increases efficiency and engagement for both students and educators. 

Solutions and services make up the learning management system (LMS) market segmentation. Solutions cover content management and generation, course administration and performance tracking while services comprise of training and support, consultation and strategy implementation.  

LMS market statistics show that learning management system software are expected to grow. The eLearning Industry reports that by the end of 2020, the global eLearning market will amount to $31 billion. Meanwhile, the worldwide rise of the mobile learning market is predicted to reach $37 billion during the same year. 

With that, let’s take a look at some of the sectors that have benefited the most from the learning management system. 

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1.Enterprise Training

Bringing reliable functions to the table, it comes as no surprise that companies implement corporate learning management systems to enhance their training programs and supplementary courses. 

Learning management systems are designed to assist in creating holistic corporate training experiences for employees. Most learning management system software come with features that allow the customization of both site and online courses. They also allow instructors and facilitators to construct their eLearning course the way they want for their trainees, employees, partners or dealers. Moreover, AI-powered learning management software also offer significant content suggestions and can hype learner engagement via gamification, multimedia integration, and social learning functions. 

Best of all, learning via learning management system software can happen anytime and anywhere, giving employees and trainees flexibility over their course completion and training progress. Not to mention, mobile learning is all the rage now when it comes to employee education. There are huge advantages when it comes to learning via your smartphone’s screen, and flexibility is only one of the reasons why you need to have mobile learning in your corporate learning and development strategy

To support this, the same research by the eLearning Industry states that 58% of employees prefer self-paced learning, which makes LMS a hit when it comes to workplace training. Ask any employee about what they look for in a job, and we’re sure that having as much free rein as possible would be one of them. 

Apart from these advantages, these platforms are also scalable, so they can fit any organization from large corporations to local businesses that are just starting out. They also cut down costs and reduce training time, thanks to their efficient solutions like pre-built courses. 

When it comes to employee learning, incorporating a solid learning management software has already become the norm, so if you’re a company that wants to shape knowledgeable employees and gain a competitive advantage in the market, we highly recommend acquiring your own learning management system software. If you’re a small or medium enterprise seeking to purchase the best learning management system, you can check out some of our learning management software buying tips

UpsideLMS is an online learning platform for enterprises in various industries such as retail, training, pharma, and BFSI, among others. It’s AI-powered tool drives productivity, performance, and engagement for your workforce through a fun and enjoyable learning experience. To know more of its features and benefits, you can also read this UpsideLMS review page.

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Learning management system software have been serving the non-profit sector since they entered the market. Thanks to their refreshing technology solutions, thousands of organizations worldwide have relied on them to help realize their objectives, support their advocacies as well as deliver significant value to their members. 

Non-profit organizations incorporate learning management software because of the approachable and flexible experience it can provide for both administrators and students. They take advantage of the suite of tools that help increase learner engagement and manage certifications. 

Learning management system software can also be extremely helpful in information dissemination. Association members can distribute content to members and the industry they operate in. They can also safely store and organize these files on the platform and can even charge a small fee for access to the content for non-members. 

Most platforms also have commendable customer service and affordable pricing plan that suits their budget. Robust features also include reporting capabilities that allow administrators to track course level completion and certification. 

Examples of non-profit organizations that have effectively utilized learning management software systems include associations that provide first aid training, courses on social work as well as health and safety training. 


As the popular adage goes, learning does not only take place within the four walls of the classroom. 

For academic institutions, learning management software acts as the online extension of the classroom. It can even go as far as replacing the classroom itself---as exhibited by online classes and courses---with its advanced features that allow instructors and students to meet and work together online. 

In an academic learning management software, students can ask questions to their teachers or interact with other students on the course. Additionally, it can also act as a hub where teachers can post course materials and relevant assignments. On the other hand, students can use the learning management system software to submit their assignments and take tests.

As the world becomes more digital, technology has become overwhelmingly integrated with education. Nearly 100% of the respondents in a study conducted by Promethean World insisted that technology should cover more areas in education, provided that they are relevant to students’ learning. 

The same study also shows that 82.7% of instructors agree that using technology helps them to become better teachers. It’s also no surprise that 89.6% of educators believe that incorporating technology in their teaching methods is a great way to drive student engagement in the classroom. 

There is also an increasing number of teachers who are trying to utilize technology for education. The survey reported that 59.7% of respondents are striving to implement innovation in their pedagogical method. Among these strategies include acquiring a learning management system to facilitate remote learning, track student progress as well as accommodate the rising demand for online education.

4.Human Resources 

Learning management software are great for hosting training programs such as onboarding courses for newly hired employees. Because of its progress-tracking capabilities, human resource departments can also monitor which employees are ready to be promoted in their line of work. 

In fact, thanks to these functions, various learning management system examples are expected to continue being part of organizations, regardless of their size or industry.  


Being in the compliance sector is tricky business. It requires a meticulous understanding of important legal aspects that apply to a business. These rules are usually implemented by government agencies and independent organizations in a specific field and can be adapted at a local or international level or both. 

To aid in adhering to these policies, companies’ compliance departments utilize lms to keep track of compliance-related areas such as worker safety and wellness training as well as product certification and clearance. 

Because most learning management system software are easy to use, they make complying with industry regulations easier for officers in charge of this company aspect. Due to the need for compliance across various fields, including transport, manufacturing, automotive as well as food and beverage, the use of learning management software has become ubiquitous and crucial in several industries. 

Ultimately, learning management systems extend their advantages across multiple sectors and not just the ones we have listed above.   

The added benefits
Equipping yourself with the best learning management system is not an end-all-be-all solution to your learning challenges. However, acquiring one is extremely useful for your organization, especially if you belong to one of these sectors.