7 Reasons Why You Need To Adopt A Unified Learning System

7 Reasons Why You Need To Adopt A Unified Learning System

That a unified learning system helps in creating a wholesome learning experience for your learners, and alleviates the administrative operations for your administrators has been established. In our previous blog post we have also seen how Learning Management Systems are now slowly evolving into more of Unified Learning Systems; ones that seamlessly connect disparate channels of learning (classroom / self-paced / social / informal), technologies (web/ mobile)and information resources in a real-time learning ecosystem that serves larger business goals.

However, if you are still bolting on different systems with a hope to create a (pseudo) unified system, or still aren't convinced of adopting a unified approach to learning management, it's time to open up your view and look at the reality of a true unified learning system. Below are 7 key reasons why you need to adopt a Unified Learning System. To aid understanding, we have classified the reasons (benefits) under 'Learners', 'Administrators' and 'General'.



Learning available when, where, and how you need it. Learners can choose to access information (via web or mobile) and use different channels of learning (blended/ social/ virtual classroom/ old fashioned ILT) to get maximum leverage.

Shorter learning curve

The uniformity in interfaces (be it from a mobile or a desktop), workflows, and general look and feel of the system greatly reduces the learning curve thereby making the system easy to use and quick to adapt to. This not only improves the quality of the learning experience but aids in better learning too.

Increased engagement

Social tools provide engaging experiences through learning 'communities of practice', discussion groups, micro blogging, Wiki, and online live support (via 'Ask the Expert' functionality) for performance support and training reinforcement. Learners can quickly find and use relevant resources on-demand and share insights and expertise across the organization..


Reduced overheads

Administrative overhead is greatly reduced as almost all the activities (reporting, user management, course management, etc.) are done in a more integrated manner which reduces duplication of efforts and content significantly.

Easy user assimilation

Uniformity of look, feel, function, and workflows make user assimilation to new system modules, and rollouts to new groups a lot more painless. The system training need is significantly reduced, as are the support issues for internal helpdesk.


Finger-pointing between vendors eliminated

Unlike best of breed approach or integrations, wherein different systems from different vendors are bolted together, a unified learning system (usually) has only a single vendor relationship to manage and a single point of accountability for issue resolution.

Increased ROI:

Faster, better, and less painful implementation of new modules, functions, etc. means greater adoption rates by end user and increased ROI for the organization.

If you are looking forward to transform your own approach to managing learning at your organization, we urge you to attend our webinar (in association with Brandon Hall Group) on 'A Unified Approach to Learning Management'. The webinar will be held on 17th July 2012 at 1 PM EDT. Register now (free).