8 Ways To Get MORE Out Of Your LMS - Free Webinar

8 Ways To Get More Out Of Your LMS

If you have been a regular reader of our blog, you would have noticed us talking about LMS and getting 'more' out of it in a number of posts. The reason is quite evident - the demand for Learning Management Systems (LMSs) for the delivery and management of training and performance support is on the rise, compelling organizations to look at different ways for leveraging these platforms to their optimum.

Be it generating 'more' ROI through cost savings, implementing 'more' ways to reach your learners or facilitating 'more' conversations via social learning and knowledge sharing, an LMS today has a whole new dimension added to it courtesy of a host of evolved features and functionalities. We had spoken about leveraging some of these features in 'The LMS Of "Now" And How You Can Leverage It'. However, the conventional mindset, perception about the LMS and the lack of understanding of its features and functionalities, continue to hamper its usage and potential.To help you understand the LMS and its features better, and to help you get 'more' out of these features, we have organized a FREE webinar - 8 ways to get MORE out of your LMS on 9th July at 11.00 AM IST (check in your time zone). The webinar will be presented by Amit Gautam and Amol Shinde. Register Now.