Celebrating the job of being a "father"!


Being a father may be more challenging than walking a tight rope. It’s a great responsibility and has the greatest reward - unconditional love and respect! There is nothing more daunting (and fulfilling at the same time!) than realizing that someone is looking up to you every single moment and everything you do as a father. It's a job that comes with no blueprint, yet gives you an opportunity to define and impact someone’s life significantly.

I believe that a great father is not the one who teaches the right things to his kid(s), but is the one who learns a lot of things along with them. It is this "learning together" that makes the father-kid bond very special.

Speaking for myself, being a father has shaped me into a better son (to my father), having seen the other side of the wall now. My respect for my father has only grown by leaps and bounds, given that while I have only one child, he had four to bring up. A job he did so beautifully!

While there are weekends for those 'professional' time-offs, there is no break for dads, which means you are being a dad every single day! However, having a day on the calendar to reflect upon and think more about how you could be a better father (and a better son too!) makes it very special. So, on this Father’s Day, I, with all my heart, wish that the bond between the fathers and their kids remain ever so special and loving!

Here's a video of our very own Jr. UpsideLMSers, who were generous to open their hearts to us and tell us about the "fathers" behind the designations as we celebrate the most important job in the world - the job of being a 'dad'!

From one father to another, Happy Father's Day!