Getting More Out Of Your LMS: 10 Pointers - New eBook

Getting More Out Of Your LMS: 10 Pointers – New eBook

The LMSs today are not restricted to merely conducting and managing the day-to-day organizational training activities, but embrace a much larger role. But unfortunately not many organizations are leveraging these platforms to their optimum. This is mainly due to the lack of understanding of the many features they now offer.

Our new eBook, ‘Getting More Out Of Your LMS: 10 Pointers’, will help organizations currently using an LMS and those in the process of buying a new one to derive maximum benefits out of their LMS. Be it generating ‘more’ ROI through cost savings, implementing ‘more’ ways to reach the learners or facilitating ‘more’ conversations via social learning and knowledge sharing, the 10 pointers underline multiple facets of an LMS for getting ‘more’ benefits from it.

The eBook has been authored by Amit Gautam, and can be downloaded from here.