Learner Driven Learning Management System in a Global Environment

Learner Driven Learning Management System

For us at Upside Learning, learning and innovation have been and continue to be the key drivers for our working and success. This is one of the main reasons for the robust investments we have made in training – not just for our employees but for the global community at large.

Talking about training, our first webinar for 2012 is just around the corner. Titled ‘Learner Driven Learning Management System, in a Global Environment’, this interactive webinar will be conducted in association with Brandon Hall Group on 22nd March 2012 at 1 PM EDT. This FREE webinar will help you understand some simple key practices for designing your LMS interface, workflow and access pages so to improve the user experience for your trainers and learners.What made us think of this topic? It’s because we understand the importance of user experience. And because we know that in today’s global environment, learners don’t just need their LMS to be technologically advanced but they need it to be designed for ‘them – the end users’.  They need to be provided with an experience that is intuitive, enjoyable, and personalized to their organization’s values and cultural preferences.

This 1 hour session will be hosted by Jason Clymer, our VP (North America), and Stacey Harris, VP, Research and Advisory Services at Brandon Hall Group. A Q&A session will follow where you will get an opportunity to have a one-to-one interaction with the hosts and get your doubts cleared.Registrations for the Webinar Are Now Open. To book your seat, please visit: http://go.brandonhall.com/learner_driven_LMS_global

Our Other Blog:

Is Learning the missing link in Digital Transformation?