mLearning Industry Paper by The eLearning Guild

mLearning Industry Paper by The eLearning Guild

Recently I had an opportunity to contribute to an industry paper by The eLearning Guild. The focus was Mobile Learning. And the topic, 'Five Must-Haves in an LMS to Get Mobile Learning Right'. Right then I knew that I had to be a part of something so terrific, and something I believed in and had invested 13+ years of my life in. LMS and Mobile Learning.

The paper, 'Five Must-Haves in an LMS to Get Mobile Learning Right', explores how a comprehensive Learning Management System (LMS) can support and optimize Mobile Learning. Compiled and written by Susan Jacobs, Sr. Editor, The eLearning Guild, the paper has contributions from key personnel in the eLearning, LMS and mLearning domain, including yours truly.

The paper is strong and captures the key essence of all 5 must-haves, namely

1) The ability to sync with a smartphone or other mobile device

2) Support for offline learning

3) Job aids for just-in-time learning

4)Push notifications for the mobile workforce and

5) QR code capabilities, succinctly.

The timing of this paper could not have been better as it times perfectly with the launch of our recently launched app-based Mobile Learning/ Training platform, UpsideMOVE.

In the workplace of tomorrow, the future of mLearning is very clear. From today’s good-to-have status, mobile will be the starting point of designing learning programs. Also known as mobile-first approach. Within this context, there will also be a shift towards enabling search-driven learning where learner can search and access learning at the moment of learning need. Most of the learning will transform to an on-demand learning rather than pushed one. This will push the boundaries of Performance Support through mobile. Mobile Learning will gradually take over most of electronic learning methods and possibly could eliminate all of them at some point in time. Mobile will be all that will be needed for training, learning and performance.

'Five Must-Haves in an LMS to Get Mobile Learning Right' is available for downloading on The eLearning Guild website here.