Online Content Libraries – An eLearning must-have (eBook)


More than half (54 %) of allemployees will require significant reskilling and upskilling in just 3 years1,while top soft skill priorities for L&D for 2020 include innovation (45%),change management (42%), communication & storytelling (40%)2.

And this is just the beginning!

Investing in your human capital is notonly critical to employee development, it is a key competitive differentiatorfor your business. However, L&D professionals often findthemselves struggling to choose between custom-developed eLearning and ready-to-use onlinecontent libraries.

Although both theseoptions have benefits and advantages of their own, the business case for off-the-shelf courses is way too profound to be overruled.

Going the online content library route

Even if making thechoice between custom content and catalog may seem easy from a decision-makingPOV, selecting off-the-shelf courses that fit your needsis easier said than done.

We have heard your challenges loud and clear, and have put together a guidebook just for you. Called ‘Online Content Libraries– An eLearning must-have’, the comprehensive ebook explores the need for online content libraries and how L&D professionals can leverage them to:

  • achieve a quick and effectiveroll-out of their eLearning programs
  • bring about effectiveness intimes of a global economic meltdown
  • learn how globalorganizations (real client stories) leverage content libraries to boost their L&Dinitiatives

Download the FREE ebook NOW

Psst! Looking for catalog courses for your business and want a tester before you commit? Just talk to us about your off-the-shelf content requirements and get 15 skilling videos FREE for 15 days.