Responsive LMS - All about Selection & Implementation: eBook

Responsive LMS - All about Selection & Implementation: eBook

The adoption of a multi-device ecosystem within organisations has lead to the development of Responsive LMS, a platform that delivers seamless learning experience on any device giving learners maximum flexibility to switch between devices as per their convenience and choice.  However, as with any new technology, a Responsive LMS too has its own set of challenges pertaining to selection and implementation.

Our new eBook- Responsive LMS - All about Selection & Implementation, aims to help organisations planning to switch to or buy a Responsive LMS.The eBook covers topics like - The need for Responsive LMS, its key components, considerations while selecting and implementing a Responsive system, and also some key benefits of having a Responsive LMS.Co-authored by Upside Learning's Amar Pawar - Product Manager, UpsideLMS, and Dhaval Trivedi, Manager - Business Response, the eBook leverages their collective experience in the eLearning domain and is supported by their strong technical expertise.If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to assist your Responsive LMS selection and implementation process, download your free copy of the eBook- Responsive LMS - All about Selection & Implementation, now.

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