The LMS with NO Fine Print!

The LMS with NO fine print!

Your organisation bought a new software or hardware and the vendor claimed to have included all the features in it. However only when you started using it did you hit the roadblock, and the only solution was paying the vendor an additional amount for making certain changes and additions.

How often have you faced a similar problem or heard people around you talk about such experiences? More often than not, I bet.In our daily lives too, we often come across fancy looking products that attract us immediately, only to reveal sub-standard or regular quality goods. It’s rightly said, all that glitters is not gold. The same goes for Learning Management Systems.The market is abundant with LMS providers, each claiming to be the best, most economic, innovative and blah blah blah. But along with all this comes the fine print; the additional costs and multiple hidden aspects that surface once you start using the LMS.

We, at Upside Learning, believe in transparency – in our communications, processes, transactions and everything in between. As mentioned in one of my earlier posts on UpsideLMS, we maintain absolute transparency both pre and post sales. So why should pricing be any different?

Our new UpsideLMS pricing packs more value for you as it includes all features, unlimited users, support and benefits, that too at a low flat fee with no hidden charges; what you see is what you pay!Some of the key components included in the pricing are:

  • User Subscription
  • Custom Branding
  • 24x7 Technical Support
  • Unrestricted multi-tenant support/ Unlimited portals
  • Responsive Access
  • Compliance and Certification
  • 2 (out of available) Languages of your choice
  • System Roll-out Training
  • Extended Enterprise Training
  • Blended Learning
  • eCommerce
  • Classroom and Virtual Classroom Training
  • MIS & Reporting
  • Social Learning & Knowledge Collaboration

and much more!

There are a million other reasons why you should check out UpsideLMS' new pricing, but it can be best summed up with the 17 awards and recognitions, including the 9 Brandon Hall awards, that it has received till date.

UpsideLMS pricing can be viewed here.