The State of Mobile Learning in the Workplace: Research Insights (Presentation)

The State of Mobile Learning in the Workplace: Research Insights (Presentation)

For most of us, work is no longer defined by our desk job alone. Nor is it confined to the four walls of the office. We are mobile. And so is our work.

According to a research report by Gartner, 'The Mobile Workforce is going to double or triple in size by the year 2018.' Now consider another research tidbit that says that, 'By 2017, half of the world’s employers may impose a mandatory BYOD policy — requiring employees to bring their own laptop, tablet or smartphone to work.' Together, this presents a very alluring business case for Mobile Learning, an exponentially growing market that is predicted to be at $37.6 billion by 2020!

Think that's staggering enough? Then whet your appetite for more!

We have compiled some great mLearning stats and research insights, put together in a great looking presentation, that will force you to sit up and take notice. And action mobile learning in your organization, if you haven't already.