The Year That Was!


As we stand on the brink of a year-end, ready to step into 2019 with full gusto, it’s only fitting that we reminisce the moments that made 2018 the beautiful year-that-it-was for us.

  • Awards all the way!

Brandon Hall Awards (3 at that!), recognition by Craig Weiss for ‘Best Learning Systems by Country (2018) for India’, listing on Fosway 2018 9-Grid for Learning Systems UpsideLMS as a 'Potential Performer', feature in Training Industry's 2018 Learning Portal Companies Watch List, a hat-trick recognition by eLearning Industry for 'The Top 20 LMS' list based on User Experience, 'The Best 20 Learning Management Systems Offering An LMS Demo' list and 'The Best 20 Learning Management Systems Offering LMS Free Trials' list – gave us ample opportunities for celebrations through the year.

Awards all the way
  • A jazzed up LMS

True to our promise of Innovation and Continuous Upgrades, we have been pumping one feature after another into our proprietary Learning Management System, UpsideLMS. Gamification, GDPR-readiness, Analytics, Complete Mobility, new APIs and Integrations, enhanced Admin UI – is just the tip of our LMS goodness for 2018!

UpsideLMS creative composition
  • Beefed up Product Portfolio

We strengthened our mobility game with the release of Native Apps – UpsideLMS Mobile, an Online app version of UpsideLMS and UpsideMOVE, an app with support for no-Internet/ Offline Learning. We also amped up our Off-the-Shelf library with microlearning videos from Bizlibrary.

UpsideLMS Mobile and UpsideMOVE
  • Increased Social Media Footprint

We have been rocking LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and YouTube for a couple of years now. This year saw us taking over Instagram big time!

Social sites with Insta
  • New Clients & Partners

A company is only as good as its Clients and Partners. We keep them coming with our can-do attitude and passion to help them succeed. Psst! While we have already won over 20 new clients by Q3 of FY 18-19, our client retention rate is at an all-time high of 95%! Hallelujah!Hear our customers speak about us:“A Big 'Thank You' to the UpsideLMS team for the amazing support and truckful of patience. The positive 'yes, we can do' attitude has got us going on our first milestone. We look forward to a long-term profitable collaboration with the team.”

Client Insurance Academy

“We are happy and satisfied, first and foremost, with its team members who have been have extremely responsive with their on-time communication. We are also grateful to Upside, for providing us with a platform that's friendly, flexible and comprehensive, which has allowed us to leverage different learning methodologies and reach out our workforce. For our learners, too, the learning has never been so easy and enjoyable.”


“One of the things I love about Upside is the way they always work extremely hard to help and please their customers. I would recommend Upside to anyone needing help with any part of their learning solution.”

Client PMI
  • UpsideLMS in News

Be it for disrupting the eLearning Industry or enabling a business manage its L&D better, we continue to make it to the press month on month, day on day! Below are some of our news pieces that blazed the media.

  • Our Resource Goodness!

We have distilled our years of knowledge, experience and expertise to bring you best practices, tips and tricks through our free-to-download online ebooks, toolkits and infographics.1. LMS Success Stories (Toolkit)Learn from real client case studies from around the world.


2. Learning & Development: Trends, Predictions & Resolutions for 2018 (eBook)Pointers to enhance your workplace learning strategy and make 2018 count in one ebook!


3. The Mobile of Workplace Learning (Infographic)A pictorial view into mLearning in the workplace of 2018 and beyond!

  • More Rock Stars!

We are growing in numbers and how! Along with new clients, new geographies and new offerings, we have also beefed up our team with both fresh and experienced talent. We are now 55+ (and counting!) people strong.

  • Doing our (little) bit for the Community

Last but not the least, our #LetThereBeLight CSR (social media) campaign that was run during Diwali (an Indian festival) saw us donating materials in excess of INR 10,000 towards child welfare.