Top L&D Challenges for 2017 Enterprise Learning: The LMS Standpoint

Top L&D Challenges for 2017 Enterprise Learning: The LMS Standpoint

A recent report - CGS 2017 Enterprise Learning Annual Report-Corporate Learning Trends, Observations & Predictions, sheds light on various aspects of Enterprise Learning; the primary focus areas, the proposed expenditure split, the way learning expenditure aligns with business goals and also the top challenges.

In the report’s section 'What Keeps Learning Teams Up At Night', the survey lists three major challenges faced by the L&D. As these issues are quite prevalent in case of enterprise learning, the solution often comes in form of learning content or as a Learning Management System that can influence the learning delivery model.

Top L&D Challenges for 2017 Enterprise Learning Internal

A lot has been articulated about the content aspect, so instead let’s take a look at the L&D challenges for 2017 enterprise learning and find resolutions from an LMS perspective.

1. Budget

Doesn’t come as a surprise if 47% of respondents site this as a major challenge to L&D initiatives, does it? For most enterprise learning ventures, allocating the right budget, increasing it over the years is often an ordeal due to lack of concrete evidence in terms of ROI. While some organizations embrace the idea of resourcefully allocating the budget to meet the learning requirements, some still have doubts about the L&D budget.

An effective LMS system is first in line when it comes to systematically utilizing the budget. SaaS, Cloud-based LMSs are great to start with owing to the low recurring fees and flexible payment models such as Pay As You Go etc. Not just that, most LMS vendors also offer Free Upgrades, Low or No Maintenance Fee, and Free Support. And if executive buy-in becomes an issue, a system that offers a Free Trial acts as a channel to create common consensus.

As David Wentworth, Principal Learning Analyst, Brandon Hall Group puts it, “As learning continues to evolve, the way we look at budgets needs to change as well. Just as traditional learning technology cannot deliver more modern, diverse learning experiences, an outdated budget strategy cannot keep up with the demands of the modern learning organization.”

2. Develop Effective, Engaging Programs.

While this also comes amongst the top focus areas for enterprise learning, 32% consider this as a challenging aspect. As mentioned above, learning has evolved. Period. It is no longer a one man show run by the instructor. It requires attention and active participation, greater commitment and willingness to experiment and experience new structure and methods.

LMS with Social Learning and Knowledge Collaboration features, can break the traditional barriers to create an open canvas for enterprise learning that is initiated and driven by learners themselves. Continuing Professional Development (CPD) tools too promote the ideas of self-paced, self-driven learning. Competency Management either as a part of an LMS or as Competency management systems (CMS or CompMS), can assist in analyzing the skill sets and competencies and in devising strategies to fill the gaps.

3. Preparing for the Future

Though most enterprise learning revolves around the current need for learning, 21% consider being prepared for future as a challenge for L&D. Future-proofing, staying ahead of the curve etc. are attributes that L&D aims for while launching any learning program or installing a new software or system.

LMS with innovative features can be the assistive tool for whatever comes 'next'. Say for instance, the integration of xAPI for real-time learning data collection could essentially be the next step towards Business Intelligence. LMS with an AGILE development approach can be used to create a quick solution. As the process sets off with an overhead plan, the product can be easily modified and refined through iterative feedback and testing to better meet the desired goals of the project and that too in a shorter time span.

In the long run choosing and implementing an LMS with Free Upgrades can future-proof the enterprise learning initiative.

In addition to the three top challenges, organizations also mentioned gaining leadership agreement, identifying who needs training and rolling it out successfully and unwillingness to embrace the future as challenges to L&D in 2017.

As mentioned in the CGS report, “issues that L&D teams state are keeping them up at night are directly related to areas that management teams are actively seeking answers specific to Learning ROI. The most sought-after ROI measurement for a learning program was its impact on ‘Employee Engagement’ with the effect on the overall business a close second, directly followed by ‘On-boarding Success Rate’.”

So, maybe these could be the new aspects to look for while choosing an LMS for Enterprise Learning in 2017.Wondering how you can truly make your L&D in 2017 work for you? Start your 14-day Free Trial of UpsideLMS now.