Upside Learning turns 13!

Upside Learning turns 13!

7th April was our 13th anniversary. Needless to say it was, and still is, a super proud moment for all of us at Upside Learning. From a humble start to a growing success, it is with a feeling of pride and gratitude, I would like to congratulate and thank every single person at Upside who has been a part of this journey. All those who are working with us today and all those who have been with us in the journey so far. A company is as extraordinary as its people and it stands true for Upside Learning as well!

I would like to convey special thanks to people behind the Upside people. Their families and loved ones! Their constant and unwavering support made it possible for Upside team to dream and achieve so much in the last 13 years.

Team having fun at the photo booth arranged on the foundation day, 7th April


A company is nothing without its clients and its partners. A special thanks to all our customers and partners who have put their faith, trust and a part of their business on us and have supported us throughout. It is their belief in us that makes us strive for excellence non-stop.

Here's what some of our clients and partners have to say.

Wishes from our client - Peter Leyten from Procurement Academy, Belgium

Procurement Academy

Wishes from our partner - Raj George from Malomatia, Qatar

Wishes from our client-cum-partner - Abdul Rahman Kola from New Horizons Training, Dubai

Wishes from our client-cum-partner - Selçuk GÖNDER from Blue Technoloji, Turkey

Blue Technoloji

Wishes from our client - Jackie Stanley from DNA STREAM, UK

My best wishes to everyone for many more such milestones in our life! And before I sign off, here's a message from me and Amit Garg, Co-founder and Director - Custom Learning Solutions.