Want 'Facebook' In Your LMS?

Want ‘Facebook’ In Your LMS?

One of the perks of being involved in a sales role is the interesting and enriching conversations with clients and prospects. I find such interactions extremely rewarding as they give an insight into what the real customer demands are and what we need to focus on. It also helps in creating material that educates customers and addresses their needs in a more organized fashion. I need ‘Facebook’…  Of late one of the things I've heard from prospects and clients is "I need Facebook in my LMS". We’ve been hearing about need for collaboration and social tools within learning and the LMS quite frequently in last twelve months but last week a couple of clients actually mentioned 'Facebook' is what they need in their LMS. On further probing 'Facebook' translates to easy ways of interacting and sharing information with colleagues and friends within the organizations defined boundaries. The central idea often is also expressed as "I want to create some PULL for the learning that we provide in our organization".

I absolutely love this part as we all learn when we need some learning. Most times during PUSH training we are going through the motions. Let’s face it - it’s not possible any other way – with adults. Upside Learning stands strongly in support of informal, social, and just in time learning – what we consider as real PULL type learning. Our products best value lms - UpsideLMS and Upside2Go embody that stand with features that help organizations incorporate social & informal learning in their training mix with relative ease. 'Facebook' is just the metaphor… I believe Facebook is just a metaphor of the changing times. It is the beginning of a permanent change in workplace training structure that’s coming fast. The need is to stay connected with an audience whose profile is changing fast. The Digital Natives have entered the workplace and the GenX is becoming more used to new technologies. The effect is on the way the workforce retrieves and uses information to do their jobs. In response L&D teams are working to create new structures that help keep the organizations most productive. Do you want Facebook in your LMS?