Women Behind UpsideLMS

Women Behind UpsideLMS

Recently India made a world record in Space Technology by launching 104 satellites in a single go. It hasn't been done ever before and it definitely will raise the bar the world over. It was in the moments of pride that followed, most of the Indians, probably for the first time ever, came to know about a few women behind ISRO (India's space agency). It just made each of us prouder. Better late than never, but it was an awesome feeling to know more about the women that were a critical and integral part of this mission as well as other awesome things happening at ISRO.

We don't build rockets or satellites, well not yet! What we do isn't rocket-science (pun intended); we build learning solutions for people. But no one's saying its easy and that too over the years keeping at it relentlessly. Like ISRO, we are blessed to have our own team of women who power UpsideLMS day-in day-out with their energy, intelligence, commitment, passion and sheer dedication. These are the #WomenBehindUpsideLMS.

Women Behind UpsideLMS Internal Image

Right from Product development, Product Implementation, Customer Management, Project Management, Sales, Programming, Quality Assurance to Marketing, our women make things happen, sometimes single-handedly, sometimes along with the teams. Check out our social media campaign (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) that commemorates these women.

This is not about deciding who among men or women are better, but this is about acknowledging and respecting the un-measurable contribution by our #WomenBehindUpsideLMS towards UpsideLMS' (and the whole company's) success. There is no way any of this would have been possible without the women who have worked with us, and are working with us.

On behalf of every man and woman at UpsideLMS, I salute and say 'thank you' to our heroes, our #WomenBehindUpsideLMS. I will also like to extend my gratitude to the invisible women behind UpsideLMS - mothers, wives, sisters, girlfriends, et al who have been (and are) there for the people behind UpsideLMS.

I wish everyone a happy International Women's Day and also urge everyone of us to pause and feel respect and gratitude for the women around us.