
Driving Learner Adoption & Engagement during Remote Working

Aug, 2020

Show Notes:

What if you could turn every employee into a learner? What if learning truly happened in the flow of work – while at office, outside or working remotely from home. One thing’s certain, for organizations, it would mean a positive training ROI while for the learners, continuous skilling and growth. But driving learner adoption and engagement is easier said than done, especially in the distributed and dispersed work environment we are in today.

For starters, Digital Transformation replaced ILT with VILT/ eLearning, it lead to less people connect (physical) and, for almost all organizations, it called for a change management – pronto! While businesses with matured L&D processes fully embraced digital learning, others, on the verge of digital adoption or with traditional training modalities, were compelled to transition to online learning for their employee capability development. In both cases, ensuring learner adoption and engagement was critical to successful employee upskilling. But how could businesses handhold its learners virtually? How could L&D enlist the help of their digital learning partner(s) to align product development to their changed strategy? How could LMS providers help companies fully leverage the platform features for engagement?

Listen to the full episode to learn:

  • How has remote working impacted learner adoption and engagement in light of employee capability development?
  • How can organizations, L&D in particular, aid learner adoption and engagement for the dispersed workforce?
  • Further to remote working, we are working in times of the Multi-Generational Workplace. So how can training such a diverse group of learners be achieved successfully from a product POV?
  • How does Product Training play into the learner’s learning journey?
  • What’s the importance of Management Buy-in and Manager Activation in learner adoption and engagement?