
Talent Pipelining: The L&D Perspective

Jul, 2020

Show Notes:

Identifying skills gap, nurturing talent and filling vacant positions through L&D and HR interventions is a critical priority for the success and growth of any organization. But building a sustainable talent pipeline is easier said than done, which is why L&D readiness is of utmost importance to make an organization future-proof and give the desired competitive advantage.

Learning & Development (L&D) programs, supported with technology, tools and content, enable businesses to train their workforce to be skilled and competent, and have an always-ready talent pipeline. Learning platforms, in the form of Learning Management Systems (LMS) or Learning Experience Platforms, increase the reach, access and adoption of learning through its engagement features (like Gamification and AI-recommendation engine), multiple modalities and personalized approach. While relevant and engaging content, in the form of ready-to-use off-the-shelf content libraries, integration with online content marketplaces and custom-developed content, can aid continuous learning and learning stickiness.

But how can L&D use digital learning tools and tech to identity and plug in the skill gaps effectively and in time? How can they stay agile and calibrate their performance requirements in sync with the changing world?

Listen to the full episode to learn:

  • How can organizations 1. Ensure a skilled talent pool and 2. Connect the dots between this and Sustainable Talent Pipeline?
  • How can organizations, HR in particular, leverage employee capability development and training interventions to establish an Employer Brand?
  • How can L&D identity and plug in the skill gaps in light of shrinking shelf life of skills?
  • How to optimize performance calibration and stay agile?